Sophie. Sophie Cooper.
Boy. Sophie’s Dad.
Lady. Sophie’s Mum.
Suzy. Sophie’s Sister
Terror and Don. From pTERanaDON
Rex. Means King
Queenie. Rex's Queen.
Bron T Sauraus. From Brontosaurus.
Sonya. Sophies friend from the gliding club.
Sybilla. Just another name beginning with S.
Julius Brontus. Julius Casar.
Clara. Dame Clara Butt, the opera singer, the first person to sing Sir Edward Elgars six sea songs.
Alice. Sonya's Mum.
Pringle. Pringle Knitwear in Harwick Scotland.
The two people on the historic side of the swamp. Sophie’s Granny and Gramps.
Toothy Ted. Only the writer knows.
Sir Edward Eel Gar. Sir Edward Elgar.
Bruce and Rupert. Two Australian names.
Crocadilly. Dilly, Sophie’s Granny's cat.
Crocobilly. Rhymes with Dilly
Mr. Moonlight. Bruce Lincoln.
Cristina. Mrs. Lincoln
Vera, Chuck and Dave. From the Beatles song, ”When I'm Sixty four.”
Bessy. A nice homely name.
Vernon. Sophie’s Great grandfather, Cooper.
Bad Jason. No connection with any living person, we hope.
Kelly, Leah and Megan. Sophie’s friends at the Gliding club.
Speedy Gonzalez. From the song of the same name, a nickname of Sophie’s Great Uncle.
Red Rum. The Grand National winner.
Nooky. Sonya's dog
Scuffy. Sonya's other Dog
Mtoto. An English flat running horse.
Desert Orchid. A steeple chase horse.
Charles. Son of Rex and Queenie.
Andrew. Son of Rex and Queenie.
Lester. The famous jockey Lester Piggot.
Miss Harris. Sophie’s year one teacher.
The Witch of Mount Buttock. Only the author knows.
Rebecca. Sophie’s friend Rebecca Lincoln.
Nigel. Nigel Kennedy the violin player.
The Swampy Stompers. The Beatles.
Courtney. Cortney Lincoln.
Nina. Nina DaCosta
Josiah. Josiah DaCosta.