Months ago, pre COVID, I met an old client of mine, Patrick Brady. He used to have a business as an auto electrician. He like me is not retired and is making an electric three wheeler, similar style to the Aerial Atom. I have recently been helping him make the fiberglass bonnet, photo of the red mold, for his car. He in the meantime has been giving me advice with the wing mirrors and hopefully will help with my air-conditioning in the GT40. Patrick's car is fully air-conditioned.
The traumas with the wing mirrors continued, with them eventually working properly today. I initially had a joy stick, shown on the picture May 30th, But after a month I could not get it to work, so went to a simpler joystick. Patrick told me much earlier to use an alternative.
In addition to items like indicators, heaters and other vehicle proximity warnings. The movement of the mirror is controlled by 10 small relays supplied by Altronics. 2 control the folding of the mirror after parking the car. The remaining 8 are set up in 2 banks of 4. Up and Down, Right and Left. The two banks are Right mirror and Left mirror Alternate relays just reverse the polarity, So Up is say + - and Down - +. The joy stick controls which of the 4 relays pairs to operate by feeding positive 12v to the relay whilst a separate switch controls the Left or Right door's mirror by selecting one of two earth returns.
When first wired up the Altronics relays if I selected one relay, many others would light up. My thinking was that they were faulty so I made a new power board with soldered in relays and this worked well as I assembled it relay by relay until the last two relays were plugged in. Then I got the same problem. Some thinking was required and my conclusion was that there was some feedback in the system, So I wired in diodes on all the earth returns and low and behold it worked, Joy! 5 or more weeks to discover that, Having gone to bed with a rested mind I came to the conclusion that the Altronics board was more robust than the power board, who's copper back would fry if there was a short. So today I rewired the original board putting in the Diodes and it all worked.
In addition to making the wiring within the right hand door I made a harness that would connect one door to the other. The right door has all the power supply and electronics and sends to the left door instructions to power the mirrors. As the harness has to be flexible as it will bend as the door opens and closes, it needs to be made to flex. To do this we use a system called, Concentric Twisting. This can be seen on HP Academies web site. Photo 3rd from right above.
A camera was fitted to the underside of the wing mirrors, the tape on the photo is just protecting the mirror whilst the mold is being made.
As I am about to start wiring in the security system, the door lock actuators the mechanism has been installed, see photo above 4th from right. The full installation of the security system is due to be the next job, together with AirCon.
Tim came over and fixed the issue we had with the Tesla (Blown fuse on the power board). A great relief to both of us.